Not everything is as it seems. Perspective is everything
#XCLAIM the news
Who’s going to drive you home tonight?
Transportation is about to change forever.
#XCLAIM the news
#innovatingcreativity #ml #AutonomousVehicles #ElectricVehicles
Augmented reality
Self isolation with #AugmentedReality!
by @iamBrianGraham
#XCLAIM the news
Robot dogs in Singapore
Robots patrolling the parks in Singapore.
#XCLAIM the news
Are you ready for the fourth global revolution?
#XCLAIM the news
#innovatingcreativity #robots
China is using facial recognition for garbage collection
#XCLAIM the news
#innovatingcreativity #ai #facerecognition
Augmented reality laptop
The world’s first augmented reality laptop goes on sale. Everything is about to change.
#XCLAIM the news
Genius comes in many forms and not all of them are conventional.
#XCLAIM the news. First to the news that matters.
Augmented reality. The next level of cut and paste.
#XCLAIM the news.
#innovatingcreativity #AI #technology #tech
A plan is essential
Working with a plan prevents a lifetime of sorrow.
#XCLAIM the news. First to the news that matters