Artificial Intelligence

XClaimit uses artificial intelligence to extract the deep meaning behind the story.

The fourth global revolution will change everything. Add in the ability to manipulate massive data repositories, and the possibilities are endless.

Our cognitive technology allows XClaimit to dig deep into the real meaning of the story.

Anything is possible in this new age. We get to the root of the story, sifting out the noise, and providing you with the information that you need, when you need it.

The internet is full of stories, some are true, some are vague, and some are far from reliable. There is literally a bombardment of information constantly being pumped out, generally too much to comprehend or measure in a manual way. That is no longer necessary. We absorb, congregate and measure, using the most recent technologies.
Our truthfulness algorithm, location intelligence and confidence technology, merge to create artificially intelligent solutions that provide accurate and reliable results.

First to the news that matters.

#XCLAIM the news